Is Nursing The Right Option For You?

by Kelly

When picking a path it can be hard for anyone to feel like they know for certain if a path will be right for them. School can be expensive and time consuming so it’s no wonder that potential students want to have at least some certainty before diving into a program. However, by self reflecting on one’s strengths a new student can make an informed decision before taking their first steps towards their new life. Choosing an RN nursing program is an excellent way to get the most out of your career.

Why Choose Nursing?

There are plenty of great reasons to get into the field but the common drive behind most successful nurses is the desire to help others. It is important for a nurse to be kind and empathetic so patients can feel like they can rely on them. When a patient feels like they can trust their nurse they will be more open to communicating honestly with them and cooperating with any sort of medical procedure.

A nurse’s life isn’t always about medical care, it’s also about being an advocate for their patients and a mediator between families and doctors. Often nurses are around people during stressful moments in their lives so it’s essential that the nurse keeps a cool head and has the ability to communicate clearly to the people around them.

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Qualifications for an RN Nursing Program

It is also important that a nurse is detailed oriented. Make sure to check out the specific qualifications for the RN nursing program you hope to attend before you apply. You want to be sure that you match the criteria they are asking form. For example, RNs must be able to observe patients, administer doses of medication, and present information to patients families and doctors. Often it is up to the nurse to keep notes on how a patient is responding to treatment and to keep their medical charts up to date. A detailed medical chart is essential for keeping other medical personnel up to date on the patient’s progress.

A nurse must also be able to perform in a fast paced and often unpredictable schedule. Depending on the field they are in, a nurse could be assigned twelve hour shift per day and might work nights, weekends, or holidays. The medical industry is also very physically taxing, but it can be rewarding to those who thrive in lives that require a lot of physical activity.

Wide Range of Possibilities For A Life In Nursing

One of the many benefits of being a nurse is the wide range of possibilities in nursing. Nurses not only are in hospitals, but in various different environments ranging from at home care to fertility clinics. Even if a person possess all of the qualities to make an excellent nurse, there are still some paths of nursing that may not be a good fit. Fortunately, there are plenty more options out there in the health care industry.

Ultimately, the best way to know if nursing is a good fit is to go visit a nursing school or by shadowing a Registered Nurse to get an accurate representation of what the life is like. By doing this, one can also explore the other avenues of nursing and discover which route is right for them and their personal strengths.