Get Accepted into Nursing School

by Kelly

Nurses are in high demand, and working as a nurse will provide a meaningful experience that allows you to help people on a daily basis. These are all reasons why you should consider becoming a nurse.

Nursing is an important and gratifying career. Nurses serve in hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices and more, and they are the first line of defense for patients. However, making this happen requires specific training. Here is what you need to know to get accepted into nursing school.

Look at the Best Schools

In order to start a career as a nurse, you must first obtain the proper education. Nurses must be trained and certified in order to practice. Therefore, picking the right school is very important. You need training that is comprehensive, dynamic and has plenty of field experience. Therefore, do your research. Look at the certified programs that meet your needs. You should look for schools in your vicinity, but you should also be open to traveling for the best schooling possible. As you do your search, make a short list of your top options.

Complete Relevant Training Experiences

In most cases, you will need to work in the medical industry prior to your acceptance into nursing school. Many educational programs require this before you are considered. Fortunately, there are many entry level jobs in health care, and you can find meaningful experience in any of them. It is possible to complete your time as a volunteer. Some people also choose to start as a Certified Nurse Assistant. Training for a CNA is much less comprehensive, and you can start getting paid while you prepare for your career. If you have your CNA, applying to a school to become a nurse is a natural next step, and it will give you an edge over other applicants. Besides, spending time in the health care setting will help you see if becoming a nurse is really the right choice for you.

Finish Your Prerequisites

In most cases, you will have to finish some prerequisite schooling before you can apply to start your education as a nurse. Most schools require future nurses to complete a baseline of science courses that cover chemistry, anatomy and more. This background is necessary to help students learn more advanced skills expected for work in the industry. Most prerequisite coursework can be completed in two to four years.

In some cases, you may be able to finish the prerequisite training at the same school you hope to attend. However, you can also finish the work at another school or junior college. You will need to have paperwork to prove that your prerequisite coursework is finished to go along with your application.

Take the Necessary Tests

Many schools require potential nurses to take some type of entrance exam. In many schools across the country, the Test of Essential Academic Skill is the accepted test. This test covers a range of basic knowledge that is deemed essential for higher education pursuits. Make sure you prepare for the test before you take it. A high score cannot guarantee your acceptance into the program of your choosing, but it can definitely help your odds. Many schools have a required score in order to be considered. Check with the school of your interest in order to make sure you take the right test and earn an appropriate score.

Fill Out Your Application

Next, you will want to work on the application itself. In most cases, the application will include a range of basic information and background verification. However, it may also include various written prompts. You may also be asked to have letters of recommendation. Take written prompts seriously, and take time to craft each response with care and precision.

If you must provide recommendations, seek out relevant endorsements from people who can attest to your skill, dedication and passion in the field. Your application is your way to get notice. Most good schools will have a lot of applications to consider. If you want to get into your first choice school, you will have to make sure that your application stands out from the rest.

Be Ready to Respond

After you send out your applications, be ready for the next step. Some schools will have additional screening procedures. After passing an initial screening, you may be asked to come in for an interview or provide more information. Moreover, once you receive your acceptance letter, you will need to respond promptly in order to secure your place.