There are great reasons to get an influenza vaccination each year. The flu can make you feel horrible for one week or longer, and in some cases, you can develop severe complications. It is also possible to die from having influenza or the complications such as pneumonia that are associated with this illness. Fortunately, scientists analyze the types of flu strains that are going to affect most of the world’s population, and they create an immunization that is formulated for those strains.
What Are the Symptoms Of Influenza?
The benefits from avoiding the flu include not suffering from nausea, fatigue or the other signs and symptoms of this illness. There are several advantages from preventing the flu, including avoiding an assortment of horrible symptoms. Here are some of the signs or symptoms that are possible when you have influenza.
Symptom 1: Runny Nose
You might think that you are developing a cold when you have influenza because having a runny nose is a common symptom. The mucus from a runny nose might start as a clear liquid, but as the infection spreads, the mucus will become yellow or green.
Symptom 2: Chronic Coughing
After developing a runny nose, you may also begin to cough a lot. This chronic cough is caused by the inflamed tissue inside your throat, and you may find it difficult to sleep because you are coughing all night.
Symptom 3: High Fever
You will likely develop a high fever while you have influenza, but this is because your body’s immune system is fighting against the viruses that cause this illness. When the high fever makes you too uncomfortable, you can apply cold compresses to your forehead or other areas of your body.
Symptom 4: Nausea
Influenza can make you feel nauseated, and this can lead to vomiting or flatulence. You won’t want to eat regular meals while you have influenza, but you can consume liquids such as broth or apple juice.
Symptom 5: Fatigue
While you have the flu, you will feel exhausted, and you should sleep as much as possible. If you can stay home while you have influenza, then you are less likely to have complications because your body’s immune system can fight against the virus.
Symptom 6: Muscle Pain
Influenza can make your muscles hurt, especially in your knees, hips and back. Fortunately, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce the discomfort in your body.
Symptom 7: Chills
In between having a fever and fatigue, you may have chills. These chills are often severe, making you shake because you feel cold. You should have plenty of blankets nearby to cope with the chills that occur at anytime.
Symptom 8: Congestion
Instead of having a runny nose, you may have congestion, and this makes it difficult to breathe while you are trying to sleep at night. You can take medications to loosen the congestion in your nose, or you can use a vaporizer in your bedroom to relieve the congestion.
Symptom 9: Headaches
The combination of fever, congestion and nausea can lead to a headache. In addition to sleeping as much as possible, you can take aspirin or other painkillers to relieve your headaches.
Symptom 10: Respiratory Distress
You may have respiratory distress with the flu, especially when you have asthma or bronchitis. If you are a smoker, then stop smoking while you have influenza because it can make it more difficult to breathe.
How Can You Avoid Contracting Influenza?
Nearly 3 million individuals in the United States will develop influenza each year. While the influenza vaccination doesn’t prevent every case of the illness, it can help you avoid contracting the illness. Here are some of the ways that you can protect yourself from influenza:
- Wash your hands as much as possible to eliminate viruses
- Keep surfaces such as desks and countertops sanitized
- Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze
- Stay away from anyone who has influenza
- Don’t share eating utensils or other contaminated objects
- Consume a nutritious diet to boost your immune system
- Get enough sleep to repair your immune system
Contact your physician to schedule an influenza vaccination this year.