Finding Hotel Accommodations In Russia When Vacationing

by Kelly

A little knowledge goes a long way towards ensuring you enjoy a good vacation. This is especially so when traveling to a place like Russia. Getting yourself informed can mean the difference between a memorable experience and a frustrating getaway.


Get Your Visas Ready in Advance

Unlike it was the case a few years back, US citizens are now able to secure a 3-year tourist visa to Russia. This came after a US-Russia agreement that saw changes to the maximum 1 month period. Other requirements may include income and bank statements and travel insurance among others. Familiarize yourself with these and other rules that govern the visa application procedure way before you plan a trip to Russia.

Make Use of Travel Agencies

The visa application process to Russia is somewhat complicated compared to other places. For this reason, you might want to take advantage of services offered by visa and travel agencies. A travel agency can help ease the burden by helping you with the technicalities associated with the visa application. While you will be charged a fee for such services, It might help improve this experience.


From luxurious 5 star hotels to communist-era block hotels with little appeal, Russia has something for everyone. When searching for accommodation in Russia during your next vacation, consider factors such as budget, location and easy access to transportation. Hotels located near subways and other public transportation will make it easier for you to explore with more freedom owing to the fact that you can always commute back to your room at the end of your rounds.

Summertime is busy in Russia as more people tend to visit during this time. More people means price hikes and less privacy. In addition to booking in advance, consider carefully the season to visit Russia. You can save money by visiting during off-peak seasons for a less crowd and affordable accommodation.


If you are traveling alone and on a budget, then you can equally enjoy affordable accommodation by staying in hostels. Hostels offer bunk beds and inmates get to share bathrooms. For 8 pounds a night, you can enjoy your stay in a well-rated hostel in Russia and get a chance to make friends from all around the world.

Free Cancellation

When booking for hotel accommodation well in advance, it is better to choose a hotel that allows free cancellation. This way, if you ever come across a better deal, then you won’t be tied down to one hotel and can move on to the next one. It is, however, important to note that you are required to state where you will be staying during your visa application process.

Read Reviews

It is advisable to get opinions from other people before investing your money on hotel accommodation in Russia. Consider reading reviews from travel websites and learn in depth what others share about their experiences staying at a hotel. The more positive things people have to say about an establishment the more likely you are to enjoy your stay there.