The Advantages and Benefits of Online Degrees

by Kelly

Each year, the popularity of obtaining an education online increases. There are various reasons why this is the case, including convenience, the ability to set one’s own schedule, and the cost effectiveness of online degrees when compared with enrollment at a traditional bricks and mortar university. Fortunately, there is a broad range of schools from which to choose when one has decided to pursue an online education. Below are some additional facts about acquiring a degree online and the benefits and advantages with which it is associated:


As one might suspect, convenience is a primary reason online degrees are appealing to prospective students. Obviously, when enrolled in online schools, students can complete their education via the Internet at any hour of the night or day. Therefore, as long as the student keeps up with his or her coursework and turns in assignments at the appropriate times, the student can essentially set his or her own hours for studying and completing examinations.  This means that online schooling can fit any schedule without disrupting the important things in your life, such as family, work, and friends.

Another benefit of completing coursework via the Internet is the fact that it makes it possible for individuals to remain employed at their current job while studying during the evening, on weekends, or whenever they are not scheduled for work. This allows each student to earn a degree without losing a paycheck, thus enabling the person to eventually embark on a completely different career or advance in his or her current field.  A typical downside of traditional higher education is that so much time needs to be dedicated to actually attending classes and commuting that it forces most students out of their jobs for the duration, and this loss of money adds to the financial stress of traditional higher education.

Those with children often find it quite helpful to pursue an education at home, and subsequently eliminate the cost of a babysitter or the need to rely on friends or family to watch their children while they attend classes.

Obtaining an online degree is also a cost-effective option, as it eliminates the expense of commuting. In addition, it makes it possible to choose from a broader range of schools than if the student had to attend the campus in person.  The benefits don’t stop there either.  Most accredited universities offer coursework and degree programs online for a fraction of the cost of physically attending the school.  The reduced cost and the ability to attend a school across the country is a great boon to many who wish to further their education.

Finding the Best School

After deciding to pursue an online degree, it is important to know how to locate an accredited, legitimate school. One should narrow down his or her choices to a handful of schools that offer degrees in the desired field and appear to be a good fit. Prospective students should pay close attention to tuition costs, refund policies, whether or not the school offers assistance with applying for financial aid, and the level of interaction the student can expect with his or her instructors.

Enrolling in a school that is not accredited is not recommended, as the student may merely spend time and effort on a degree that will likely be considered worthless by prospective employers.

Not surprisingly, school websites typically provide only positive comments about their courses, instructors and curriculum. However, it is also essential for potential students to access reviews written on other websites where negative remarks are less apt to be censored. However, prospective students must remember that those who are unhappy with a service or product are more likely to post comments than those who are satisfied. Nevertheless, if a pattern of negative remarks emerges about a particular school, the person should research that school in greater depth to determine the reason for its reputation.

Individuals can also check with the local Better Business Bureau in the school’s home state to determine if there is a history of complaints. Although most schools at some point have an isolated complaint or two, a pattern of negative reports at the Better Business Bureau is a red flag.

Online Teaching Degrees

Every school has different degrees and degree programs on offer which can affect your choice of program or school greatly.  For example, not every online school offers degrees in education and teaching.  To get your teaching license you are required, in most states, to complete in person student teaching.  This is unavoidable, however, much of the course work and classwork you need can be offered online.  And if you continue on to get a higher degree in education, such as a Bachelor’s or a Master’s, much if not all of the degree program can be completed online.

Earning a teaching degree is often time intensive, as you have the student teacher responsibility, as well as normal classwork.  If you are trying to work a job on top of your teaching responsibilities, you may find yourself quickly overwhelmed.  However, online degrees offer an alternative path, allowing you to keep your job and not flood or overwhelm your time.  Online teaching degrees are available for all levels of higher education, all you need to do is find the right program and enroll.

Financial Aid

The United States Department of Education reports that the number of people pursuing a degree online has been steadily increasing in popularity. In light of this increase, student aid is now available for some online education, provided the student chooses an accredited school.

In most cases, online schools provide assistance with completing paperwork for student loan applications, and most have a dedicated staff available to walk prospective students through the process of obtaining various government loans to help pay for their education. It is in the best interest of all students to take advantage of these services if they are available.

In today’s modern world, the advantages and benefits of a college degree far exceed any hardship one may encounter pursuing this goal. Therefore, those who are looking for the quickest and easiest way to acquire their education should give serious thought to completing an online degree program that will ultimately enable them to enjoy a rewarding career in the future.

Online education makes getting your degree easier and cheaper than ever before.  If you want to further your education, the time is now.  There are hundreds of online degrees and schools offering degrees out there.  Don’t wait, start the online education process today!